I have been missing school this whole week because my grandfather recently passed away (Wednesday, 9/9/09) and so the majority of my family on my mum's side came up. I thought this was going to be a depressing trip... I mean sure, I get to see my whole family again, especially the ones I didn't think I'd see until next year when in reality it was only 10 or so weeks. But we were one person less, my grandpa. But y'know, I have had a lot of fun!!! We had our moments where we were silent, crying, sad... but the majority of time we made each other happy. I think it's good for my grandma to have her family up in this time of sadness. I love my family so much, we're all very close.
My grandpa will be buried in Arlington Cemetery in Washington D.C, Virginia. I really hope I can get up there at that time, but with all these money troubles we're having, I don't know. But we won't think about that for now :3 for now, we'll just enjoy life and take it as it comes, together <3
Frank Byrne

December 6, 1925 - August 9, 2009
(on the right, obviously, the other guy is my oldest cousin Joshy c: )