Friday, May 29, 2009


Hey peeps!
My B-Day's coming up :3 June 7th. I'mma be 15... and... yeah... not too exciting. lol.
Can't wait to see what I get though ^^ Maybe a cosplay... or a custom plush, or just some random stuff! yay! 

So yeah... oh! Please help my Pokemon and dragon eggs by clicking them! If my dragon eggs don't get clicked a lot and hatch soon, they'll die in 3 days! :[ 

So yeah... that's pretty much it for now ^^ until next time enjoy some America and Krory goodness! :3

Sunday, May 24, 2009

New :3

Okay so... I'm new here... new to blogging... new to pretty much all of this! So please be kind to me! ^^' 
My name is Ren, the Noah
 of Mischief... yeah... I really haven't gotten permission from the Earl to erm... make this... but... who cares?? honestly I'm sort of scared... but... meh, whatever  :].... 

Okay, all fun aside, I'm a 15 year old high school sophomore (or at least I'm going to be), addicted to anime, manga, and drawing (to the right is an example of a quick sketch of mine... you steal, I take drastic measures T__T ). I also enjoy writing once in a while. I love animals, and my close friends and family ^w^ I am quite shy though, so don't feel offended if I don't talk a lot initially. 
So yes... I guess that's it for now! Until next time!