my routine:
1. Wake up
2. Sluggishly drag myself into the living room for some breakfast nomnoms with my Cheese Blanket and laptop at hand.
3. Watch anime/read manga (if there's anything new) while eating.
4. Convince myself to get up
5. feed dogs, get dressed, brush teeth and hair
6. Play with my pets ( my dog Trixie & my rat Nel )
7. get fussed at to hurry up
8. go to school
9. school school school...
10. go home
11. watch anime/read manga (again, if there's anything new)
12. talk to buddies on Yahoo
13. homework
14. dindins
15. shower
16. Play with pets again
17. mess around on
DeviantArt18. sleep
and repeat

Anyways, that's not all I wanted to talk about...really...
Okay, so I got my hair cut a few weeks before school started when my whole family was down visiting. My hair that was once all the way down to my butt is now at my shoulders... and dyed blue/bleached blonde (it's a mix of both since some of it washed out while I was swimming TT___TT;; ) underneath. I've gotten a few compliments on it from people I know, and it actually makes me feel sort of good :) even though I usually hate getting compliments since they usually make me embarrassed/nervous 'cause I don't know how to reply to them... I love my new hair 8D it's so much easier to take care of now <3
Alright, so over the summer I started and finished probably one of my most favorite anime of all time... Eyeshield 21. This series made me laugh and cry, the plot line was beautiful as well as the animation and the characters were so epic that you couldn't help but just fall in love with each one. I cried, and I mean seriously cried when I finished it... Now, I am reading the manga and I'm on volume 3 since I want to own them :] So I have a long ways to go before I finish it again :)

I also finished another anime that I had started over the summer, Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler). What is with me and finding anime that make me cry? T___T I cried at the end of Kuroshitsuji... not because I was sad that it was over... because of the way it ended. I honestly sat there with my mouth hanging open, completely taken off guard. I am caught up with the manga of it now... and let me tell you it is SOOOOOO much better then the anime ><

Okay, and one more manga I must mention before I skip to another topic... D. Gray-Man. I have been a D. Gray-Man obsessed fangirl since... the middle of freshmen year I think? I finished the anime, and got caught up with the manga. Then I waited like... 3 months before the author got off of hiatus, and then guess what? She goes on hiatus AGAIN not 2 months or so later!! What is up with that?? Anyway, she is finally returning with a rumored 50 page special this week!! Another GREAT thing to look forward to for me!!! yay!! :3

Okay, so more on school. My schedule right now seems fairly easy, ignoring the fact that I will probably be a hunchback before the year is over, what with all of the materials I have to haul back and forth. All of my classes are fairly close to each other, so I don't have to travel far, and I only have 3 classes where they plan to give major homework (i.e. Chemistry, geometry, and Japanese.). Chemistry right now is by far the worst however... loads of homework. LOADS of it D8. I also fear the class because of the labs... I am a bit of a klutz you see, and I know by the end of the year I will have at least a few burns from fires and chemicals... and maybe I'll even go blind! yay! 8D (sarcasm MAX!).
Other then that my classes are as follows:
1st. US/AZ History (Alfred/America approves!! 8D)
2nd. Sculpture (I'll be sure to upload my creations onto here!! >3< )
3rd. Japanese 3-4 ( I had Japanese 1-2 for 3rd hour last year too 8D )
4th. lunch ( a lunch that only one of my friends ((i.e.
Watching)) has with me D8< )
5th. English 3-4 ( so far SUPER easy, and fun :3 the teacher seems nice, and seems to like art! Good for me! XD)
6th. Chemistry ( yay harmful chemicals and loads of Home work!!)
7th. Geometry A (easy so far... but don't math classes always start like that? XD)
and that's it! :) so far pretty easy, I think I'll survive to the summer... WHICH BY THE WAY I am going to Japan this summer!!! yayayayayay!!! Right on my birthday too!!! (June 7th) AH I am so excited!!! >3<>.>
By the way! Go say hi to my
mum who just joined here!!!